Bird Free Spacing - 90 Second Insight Thursday 8th August 2024
In the next of our bite-size 90 Second Insight videos we look at how to effectively deploy dishes of our widely acclaimed Bird Free Fire Gel repellent.
Summer is the time of year when many of us want to make the most of the outdoors. Those who are lucky enough to have gardens and possibly patios, want to enjoy these valuable outdoor spaces. And people with balconies naturally want to sit outside and enjoy the cooling summer breeze. Unfortunately, our domestic outdoor spaces also attract unwanted birds such as seagulls and pigeons. Their nests, detritus and poop can harbour a wide range of harmful diseases along with parasites. And particles from dried bird droppings can cause respiratory complaints so people really want to keep troublesome birds away.
Public spaces, buildings and shops are also often plagued with unwanted, problem birds at this time of year. Mess from birds, roosting on signage above a shop entrance, can present a serious, slippery hazard to shoppers and make the shop signage look terrible. Railway stations are also often troubled by large groups of congregating pigeons, nesting and roosting in the rafters and polluting pedestrian walkways below.
Our Bird Free Fire Gel has now been in use, worldwide, for over 20 years. Many case studies have demonstrated its efficacy in all manner and size of installation, from domestic balconies to large scale roof tops, railway stations, educational establishments and industrial premises.
Totally Harmless
When considering any form of pest control its always important to examine the potential impact on humans and creatures that might come into contact with it. For example, BBC Springwatch recently highlighted how flea treatments, commonly used on cats and dogs, are poisoning our waterways and threatening the entire food web by killing off insects in vast quantities.
Bird Free Fire Gel is totally harmless to birds, animals and humans. Its a proprietary gel mixture that presents a 3-way bird deterrent.
The primary element is the pyranine in the gel, the same colouring agent used in highlighter pens. This clever ingredient fluoresces when exposed to UV radiation, causing the gel to emit ultraviolet light. To birds this light looks like a flickering, naked flame which prompts their natural response to stay away. This attribute is why the substance is known as ?Fire Gel?
The second way the gel deters birds is exploiting their smell and taste senses. Bird Free Fire Gel contains harmless peppermint oil, giving it a peppery aroma. Studies have shown how birds stay away from substances that emit peppery, menthol vapours.
And the third aspect of this effective formulation that birds don?t like is its viscous property. This can cause the gel to stick to their feathers, which they try to avoid.
Bird Free Gel is supplied in small, pre-loaded dishes that are just 8mm in height and 65mm diameter. These small, low level dishes allow the deterrent to be easily and unobtrusively deployed in all manner of installations, from large scale rooftops and bridges to individual window ledges.
There are now many installations of this highly effective bird deterrent all over the world. They range from small, domestic installations on balconies, patios and window ledges, to much larger scale, challenging installations at railway stations, hospitals and educational establishments.
Although our documentation highlights how the gel remains effective for over five years, feedback from live installations demonstrate how the gel has remained highly effective for over 8 years. And furthermore, it can withstand environments in which particulate air-borne pollution is very high, such as at railway stations. The UV bird repellent properties of the gel remain effective even when the gel is coated and blackened with pollution.
When considering the installation and deployment of Bird Free Fire Gel its beneficial to identify how the birds are using the area where the problem exists. Are they nesting there? Are they roosting there during the day time? Or are they roosting there at night? Or is the area used by birds for all three of these?
Optimum spacing of Bird Free Fire Gel dishes is important. This consideration determines how many dishes are needed for a particular area. Experience, accumulated over the past 20 years of worldwide use, has informed the determination of optimum dish spacing.
For nesting areas, dishes need to be relatively closely spaced at intervals of 15cm or 6 inches (centre to centre), in a grid pattern. This is the configuration found to be most effective in highly challenging installations where problem birds were regularly returning to nesting sites.
Night roosting areas can be considered to be medium pressure sites and dishes deployed in these spaces can be effectively installed at 20cm or 8 inch intervals.
Day roosting areas can be considered to be relatively low pressure sites and the dishes of Bird Free Fire Gel can be effectively spaced at 25cm or 10 inch intervals.
We understand the challenges involved in deploying multiple dishes of Bird Free Fire Gel which is why we supply these dishes in a number of useful formats. These include dishes that can be magnetically attached to ferrous metal structures, such as bridge and steel girders. Our cable-tied dishes are another popular option that enable Bird Free Fire Gel dishes to protect hand rails and pipework from unwanted roosting birds.
We?ve also developed our easy-to-use balcony protector pack that consists of a rubber matt with a number of pre-attached dishes of Bird Free Fire Gel. Birds respond immediately to the presence of Bird Free Fire Gel so our balcony protector pack is a quick and easy way to effectively chase them away from precisely where they are not wanted.
An important pre-installation requirement when deploying Bird Free Fire Gel dishes is the need to thoroughly clean and disinfect the area where birds have been a problem. This means cleaning away all previous nesting materials, dead bird carcasses and droppings. This must be carried out with caution while wearing appropriate protective clothing, goggles, facemasks and gloves.
Once the detritus and poop has been cleaned away the area needs to be disinfected to rid the site of any bird pheromones that might otherwise encourage them to return. See our Bird Free Fire Gel store page for everything you need.
How Many Dishes Are Needed?
When considering how many dishes of Bird Free Fire Gel are needed its simply a matter of assessing what the birds are using the site for, how big the area is and whether the dishes be fixed in place.
Our Balcony Protector Pack, for example, is purposely portable. This enables easy deployment to a balcony, patio or other area and allows the dishes to be picked up and taken indoors when the area is being used for relaxation and entertaining.
If the area is complex and involves steel girders and metal hand rails then the number of dishes required can be calculated based on the previously detailed spacing recommendations. For example, if birds tend to congregate and roost at night along long steel girders it would make sense to deploy dishes of Bird Free Fire Gel every 20cm or 8 inches.
For larger scale, flat areas such as rooftops, dishes should be deployed based on the previously detailed recommendations. If the area has been used for nesting then around 45 to 50 dishes per square metre will be needed.
Importantly, we understand how almost every bird deterrent challenge is unique. We have accumulated a vast wealth of knowledge and experience that enables us to devise effective bird deterrent strategies that will work in all situations. So we recommend you give us a call so that we can help determine exactly what?s needed.
Further Information and Guidance
Here are some useful links to where you can find further guidance and information on all aspects of Bird Free Fire Gel.
If you have any questions about effective bird repellents, or if you have any special requirements, remember we are here to help. Give us a call on 01273 475500 and we?ll provide you with free, expert advice.
This message was added on Thursday 8th August 2024
Bird Free Gel Remains Effective for Over 8 Years Thursday 4th April 2024
Our Bird Free Gel is growing in popularity as people discover its long-term efficacy and ease of use. Read our latest blog to learn how this incredible bird deterrent remains effective for more than 8 years.
Dealing with problem birds can be very challenging. Pest birds are attracted to locations where there is plenty of food along with safe and sheltered places to perch, build nests and raise their young. Pigeons and seagulls are at the top of the UK?s list of pest birds, but starlings, crows and even sparrows can also be problematic in some locations.
One of the main issues caused by unwanted pest birds congregating in a specific area is the mess and danger to health caused by their droppings. Most of us will have seen areas, heavily polluted with bird droppings, underneath ledges where birds like to perch. When wet, these accumulated bird droppings become very slippery and dangerous to walk on. And there are a number of nasty diseases associated with bird faeces including histoplasmosis, cryptococcosis and psittacosis. Bird droppings are also highly acidic which can cause damage to buildings if allowed to accumulate. And bird droppings discolour brickwork and make any affected signage look unsightly.
Bird Free Gel Remains Effective for Over 8 Years
Field trials carried out at a pigeon night-time roosting site showed how Bird Free Gel remained effective for over 4 years leading to the UK Health and Safety Executive acknowledging that ?Bird Free will remain effective for a minimum period of 4 years?. Numerous ongoing case studies in a wide variety of locations have now demonstrated that Bird Free Gel remains effective for over 8 years.
Pigeons Banished from Italy?s Largest Shopping Centre
Milan?s ?Il Centro? shopping centre had already attracted unwanted pigeons even before construction was complete. Their droppings were already fouling the extensive glass facades ahead of the grand opening scheduled to take place in April 2016. Bird Free Gel was deployed to the site in February 2016 and the problematic pigeons immediately moved on. The Bird Free Gel deterrent solution has remained effective ever since and none of the shopping centre?s tenant businesses have experienced any subsequent pigeon fouling issues.
Pigeon Nesting Prevented after Anti Bird Spikes had Failed
A Barcelona Hospital had attempted to use anti bird spikes to deter nesting pigeons. But the pesky birds had simply built their nests on top of the spikes and the hospital needed to invest in daily cleaning operations to deal with the mess they were making.
In May 2018 professional pest controllers removed all of the bird nests and ineffective anti bird spikes, replacing them with distributed dishes of Bird Free Gel. The result was immediate. The pigeons vacated the hospital rooftops and have never returned.
Pigeons Love to Perch and Poo on Shop Signage
Shop signage covered in bird droppings doesn?t convey a very positive impression to potential customers. And its not only shop signage that?s adversely impacted by unwanted pest birds. Signage at railway stations, hotels and public buildings can also be very attractive to pest birds looking for somewhere to perch and roost. But when these signs are streaked with bird mess they become very unsightly and the surfaces underneath these perches can become dangerous to walk on.
Many locations have tried traditional anti-bird techniques such as the installation of bird repellent spikes. But as previously noted, these are often very ineffective. Unlike anti-bird spikes dishes of Bird Free Gel are very inconspicuous as they are only 8mm high and often can?t be seen from ground level. These dishes are also far easier to deploy than anti-bird spikes that generally require screw fixing. Many shop signs now use discretely installed dishes of Bird Free Gel, reliably keeping unwanted birds away and ensuring both the signage and the street below remains free of bird mess. Some signage has even been specifically designed with recesses in the top to accommodate Bird Free Gel dishes.
Bird Free Gel - Ideal for Historic Buildings and Homes
Heritage sites and historic buildings appreciate how Bird Free Gel installation doesn?t require any mechanical fixings, unlike anti-bird spikes. Dishes of Bird Free Gel are easily distributed in areas where birds like to congregate and roost without the need for drilling or screw fixing. Our pipe and railing fixing option, for example, simply uses cable ties, enabling dishes to be securely attached to the pipes and railings where pest birds would previously have perched.
Pest Pigeons Ignoring Anti Bird Netting and Spikes
And many UK homes have successfully deployed dishes of Bird Free Gel along ledges, rooftops and other areas where birds had previously caused problems. These installations are continuing to keep pest birds away many years after initial installation. Our Balcony Protector Pack is particularly useful for home with balconies and patios plagued by pest birds.
No More Bird Mess on Parked Cars
Car park structures offer many sheltered areas, favoured by feral pigeons for roosting and nesting. Its not unusual for motorists to return to their vehicles, parked in municipal multi-story car parks, to find their cars covered in bird mess. Many car parks have now discovered the efficacy of Bird Free Gel which has been widely deployed ot keep unwanted birds away.
Bridge Walkways Polluted with Bird Mess
Bridge structures are another favoured location for roosting feral pigeons. The new Huntingdon Bypass, opened in December 2019, included four new bridges. But much like the shopping centre in Italy, even before these bridges were open the pest birds had moved in and established their nests. Their poop presented a health and safety risk for those responsible for routine bridge maintenance. The nests were cleared away and replaced with dishes of Bird Free Gel which was also deployed to other areas that might have attracted unwanted birds. The installation was immediately effective and continues to be effective today.
Distributed Dishes of Bird Free Gel - Keeping the Pigeons Away
Another Bridge installation, the Craigavon Bridge, carried out by the Northern Ireland Department for Infrastructure, dealt with accumulating bird poop on the walkways which was causing a health and safety hazard to pedestrians and cyclists. This bridge is a listed structure which meant any anti-bird deterrent needed to be unobtrusive. In 2022 all areas of the bridge affected by pigeons was thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. Deployment of unobtrusive Bird Free Gel dishes was immediately effective in keeping pest birds away and the walkways free from bird mess. The engineer in charge of the installation even witnessed the site being revisited by feral pigeons that immediately flew away when they encountered the Bird Free Gel.
Kings Cross Station Offices - Bird Free Since 2015
Way back in 2015 the droppings from pigeons roosting above Network Rail?s offices at Kings Cross station were causing unsightly and unpleasant fouling of the office entrance below. Dishes of Bird Free Gel were deployed and the site has been closely monitored ever since.
Bird Free Gel at Kings Cross Station - Dishes at the Front, Black with Pollution but Still Effective after 8 years.
After 8 years, since the initial installation, these dishes of gel are still keeping the unwanted pigeons away. Its notable that some of the exposed dishes have become significantly blackened by airborne pollution but they remain effective as the particulate pollution doesn?t inhibit or block the emission of UV light that repels the birds.
The most commonly asked questions about Bird Free Gel are these:
How long does it last?
As these ongoing installations and field trials have demonstrated, Bird Free Gel remains effective for more than 8 years. As noted, the UK Health and Safety Executive has acknowledged that ?Bird Free will remain effective for a minimum period of 4 years?. Real-world installations have demonstrated how this this anti-bird solution continues to keep pest birds away for over 8 years.
Is it affected by rain?
Bird Free Gel is completely unaffected by rainwater. The substance isn?t water soluble and is therefore not washed away by falling rain. And it continues to emit UV radiation when wet, keeping pest birds at bay, even when covered in rainwater.
Does it work when discoloured by pollution?
UV radiation can only be blocked by solid objects and isn?t inhibited by particulates such as dust or airborne pollutants. This is why the dishes of Bird Free Gel at Kings Cross station have remained effective for over 8 years even though exposed dishes are now blackened with accumulated dirt.
We offer Bird Free Gel in a variety of practical formats for a wide range of applications. Our Bird Free Gel Balcony Protector pack is specifically designed for convenient deployment to balconies and patios that can attract unwanted, messy birds. Mats with attached Bird Free Gel dishes are quickly and easily placed exactly where they are needed, immediately prompting any visiting birds to stay away.
Pre-loaded magnetic dishes of Bird Free Gel are easily attached to any ferrous metal surface and our pipe and railing fixing pack simply uses cable ties to securely attach the dishes to any pipes, railings or poles that would otherwise be attractive to unwanted feathered visitors.
Regardless of the scale of the bird problem Bird Free Gel is a highly effective solution that remains effective for a very long time.
If you have any questions about effective bird repellents, or if you have any special requirements, remember we are here to help. Give us a call on 01273 475500 and we?ll provide you with free, expert advice.
This message was added on Thursday 4th April 2024
Bird Free Gel - Your Questions Answered Thursday 1st February 2024
Spring signals the start of the main nesting season for most birds - including those that can be a nuisance. In this post we answer many of the questions often asked about our highly acclaimed Bird Free Gel.
While everyone in the UK loves wildlife there are some creatures that can become problematic. Certain birds, especially pigeons and seagulls, are well known for being invasive, messy and often noisy. People suffering from bird infestations can struggle to find effective, humane solutions which is why we offer Bird Free Gel from our store. This is an exceptionally effective bird deterrent that?s now widely used to protect a wide variety of public spaces, train stations, historic buildings and private homes from the impact of pest bird infestations.
Here are some of the questions people often ask about their bird problems and using Bird Free Gel.
Why do Pigeons (or Seagulls) Build Their Nests on My Roof?
One of the problems with pest birds is that when they have decided on a nesting site they are likely to remain there. They select their nesting sites based on the availability of food and shelter. So if there are nearby bins where they can find food scraps and maybe a sheltered rooftop area, such as under solar panels, they are likely to find the rooftop an attractive nesting location.
What are the Laws Regarding Pest Bird Control?
All wild birds in England are protected by law. People are not allowed to capture wild birds, or damage their eggs or nests to prevent or solve problems they may be causing. The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended) states that all wild birds are protected and usually cannot be killed or taken except under licence. As a result, you must not: intentionally kill, injure or take any wild bird.
But there are various non-lethal bird control tactics that can be effective. Including:
Restricting access to food.
Scaring the birds away (e.g. using scarecrows).
Protecting areas to prevent birds from roosting or nesting.
Managing areas to make them less attractive to birds seeking nesting sites.
Using physical barriers to keep birds away.
Which Birds are Classed as Vermin in the UK?
It is important to note that the term ?vermin? has no legal meaning. Vermin is a purely subjective term.
But several bird species are recognised as pests in the UK. Pigeons are at the top of the list, followed by seagulls. But geese, magpies, sparrows, starlings, crows, doves and even woodpeckers and swallows are all known to have caused problems for some people and would therefore be considered as pests.
Do Bird Nests and Droppings Cause Damage?
Nesting birds can cause damage and danger in many ways.
Bird droppings are messy and corrosive. Their excrement is highly acidic with a pH of around 3 to 4.5. This will eat through most building materials if left untouched.
The natural nesting behaviour of birds can also lead to property damage as birds will peck at roofing materials, build nests under solar panels and seek out crevices and other sheltered areas in which to build their nests and raise their chicks.
Nest-building involves the collection of debris which will often accumulate in guttering systems causing blockages that will potentially result in water damage. Dried nesting materials also present a significant fire risk, easily ignited by an ember from a garden bonfire.
Chimneys and ventilation systems are also often blocked by birds nests. This can cause serious hazards including the build up of poisonous carbon monoxide inside a building.
Bird nests can also host ticks, mites, lice and fleas along with viruses, bacteria and parasites. Moulted bird feathers can also cause breathing difficulties as well as contributing to the previously mentioned blockages and fire risk.
Are Bird Droppings Hazardous to Humans?
Bird droppings can be very hazardous to humans.
A build-up of bird excrement on pavements and walkways can be very slippery, especially when wet, making it dangerous to walk on.
And breathing dust or water droplets contaminated with bird droppings can lead to various infections including Salmonella or even Psittacosis. Salmonella is a well known bacterial infection that can cause diarrhoea and is particularly dangerous to infants and people with weakened immune systems. Psittacosis is a rare bacterial infection mainly associated with parrots and similar species but does affect other birds, including pigeons. Symptoms are typically a flu-like illness and pneumonia.
Why are Birds Considered to be Dangerous Pests?
The primary reasons why some birds can be considered dangerous pests are as previously noted. Their nests can cause a range of hazards and their droppings can carry a variety of diseases.
But another aspect of the danger caused by pest birds is their protective nature toward their chicks and eggs. Seagulls will swoop on people and pets if they consider them to be a threat. This behaviour will usually subside once chicks have fledged.
Am I Allowed to Remove Bird Nests?
As noted, all wild birds are protected by law in the UK. It is a criminal offence, under Section 1 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act of 1981, to intentionally take, damage or destroy the nest of any wild bird while it is in use or being built. The law prevents anyone from moving or damaging nests while they are being built or when they are being used. Only a few exceptions to this ruling can be applied under licence.
But once a nest has been entirely abandoned it is OK to remove some nests. It is important to be aware of exceptions regarding birds that are known to reuse their nests. For up-to-date details on these birds check the Wildlife and Countryside Act.
Can Pest Controllers Shoot Pigeons?
In some circumstances shooting pest birds might be used as a last resort. Pest control professionals will always attempt to use other bird control methods before shooting them. The vast majority of pest bird shooting activities are focused on feral pigeons which breed prolifically.
The shooting of pigeons is permitted under the authority of relevant general licences issued by the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra) for England, Natural Resources Wales (NRW) for Wales, NatureScot for Scotland, the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) in Northern Ireland, and the Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture (DEFA) on the Isle of Man. General licences authorise the control of specified species for defined purposes listed on the relevant licence, such as ?preventing serious damage?.
What is the Best Way to Keep Birds Away?
If you carry out an online search for the ?best bird deterrent? you?ll be presented with a long list of well know anti-bird solutions. For any anti-bird solution to be considered as ?the best? it must be both effective and appropriate for the specific situation and circumstances.
Visual deterrents include scarecrows, shiny objects moving in the breeze and fake birds of prey. While these techniques can have some deterrent impact they aren?t widely considered to be universally effective. Birds are intelligent creatures that can quickly determine whether a visual deterrent is actually a real threat. But on the plus side, visual deterrents are easy to deploy and generally very low cost.
Physical barriers include anti-bird netting and anti-bird spikes. Both of these are recognised as effective in some situations. Shrouding a balcony in anti-bird netting, for example, will entirely prevent birds from accessing the balcony area but many would find it obtrusive and some netting can be hazardous to smaller birds. Anti-bird spikes will also prevent birds from landing and roosting on some surfaces but some birds are very good at negotiating their way around these devices. Installation and deployment of these physical barriers can also be challenging as well as expensive.
Sonic and ultrasonic bird repellants are another option. Sonic repellants use audible sounds of natural predators, such as birds of prey or foxes, to scare birds away. And ultrasonic devices use sounds that ar outside the range of human audibility, but can be heard by birds. Sonic devices may be prohibited by law in some areas and can potentially upset the neighbours while ultrasonic devices can be effective but birds will sometimes become accustomed to the sounds.
Bird Free Fire Gel is what we recommend. Used in the UK since 2011 Bird Free Gel has become widely recognised for its incredible bird deterrent properties. Its sometimes simply called Fire Gel as the unique compound emits ultraviolet light that bird?s perceive as fire. This has an immediate impact, prompting birds to stay clear. And Bird Free Gel not only exploits birds? visual senses it also contains peppermint oil which has long been known to be an effective bird deterrent. The combination of visual and olfactory stimuli cause birds to immediately keep away. Birds also hate to get the gel substance on their feathers and they quickly learn to stay away from areas where the substance is deployed.
Bird Free Gel is very low cost and easily deployed wherever there are pest birds that need to be kept at bay.
Do Fake Owls Keep Birds Away?
Fake owls fall into the visual bird deterrent category. Some pest birds may initially be deterred by the appearance of a fake owl but this deterrent effect is likely to be short-lived. Birds are intelligent creatures and will soon learn that a fake owl doesn?t move and isn?t really a serious threat. It is not uncommon to see a fake owl covered in bird droppings due to ?pest? birds perching on it!
Will Aluminium Foil Keep Birds Away?
Aluminium foil, old CDs and even scarecrows are all well known visual bird deterrents that can have some positive impact in keeping pest birds at bay. Gardeners often use shiny foil or CDs, strung across their gardens, to help protect seedlings from hungry birds.
Much like the fake owl technique, aluminium foil and other shiny devices might have some immediate impact but this can be short-lived as birds become accustomed to whatever is being used.
What is Bird Free Gel?
Bird Free Gel is a proprietary gel mixture that contains pyranine. This is the same colouring agent used in highlighter pens. This ingredient fluoresces when exposed to UV radiation, causing the gel to glow with ultraviolet light.
While UV light is invisible to us humans, birds can see it. And to them the shimmering UV light resembles the appearance of fire which triggers their natural response to keep away. The fire-like UV appearance of Bird Free Gel is why its sometimes called Fire Gel.
As noted, the gel substance also contains peppermint oil and studies have demonstrated how birds respond to the menthol vapours emitted by peppermint by keeping away.
These two bird-deterrent components trigger immediate responses, causing birds to stay away from wherever Bird Free Gel has been deployed. And if pest birds attempt to return to a previously used nesting site where the gel has been used they may encounter the viscous material which will stick to their feathers. This is another powerful deterrent that encourages birds to move on and find alternative nesting sites.
Importantly, Bird Free Gel is totally harmless to people, pets and birds. Although birds hate the stuff, it doesn?t cause them any harm whatsoever, even if they come into direct contact with it. (Note: although the Gel is safe and manufacured from food grade ingredients, it is advisable to ensure that your pet dog does not have access to it, in order to ensure that they don`t ingest any quantity of it).
How Do I Use Bird Free Gel?
As well as being highly effective in keeping birds away from where they aren?t welcome Bird Free Gel is incredibly easy to use and doesn?t cost a fortune. Supplied in pre-filled dishes its simply a matter of placing these wherever birds like to roost, nest or congregate. To make installation even easier we supply bird free gel in various dish formats including magnetic, cable-tie attached or our super easy-to-use balcony protector pack that consists of a rubber matt carrying a number of prefilled Bird Free Gel dishes. One or more of these preconfigured matts can be easily and quickly placed where necessary on a balcony or patio to immediately prevent pest birds from becoming a nuisance.
Its important to initially clean the area in which the Bird Free Gel dishes are to be installed, ideally with an appropriate biocide and while wearing sensible protective clothing (gloves, goggles and safety dust mask).
Is Bird Free Gel Effective and How Long Does it Last?
Many extensive studies into the effectiveness of Bird Free Gel have now been carried out and all have delivered incredible results. But perhaps the most compelling evidence of efficacy comes from our own customer reviews of this product. Here are just a few:
Hallelujah! I inherited a seagull nest when I bought my house a couple of years ago (it?s opposite a flat roof building hosting a colony) and of course they returned last year. I was advised netting or spikes weren?t options and fortunately found Bird Free Fire Gel online. I spoke to Elke who besides being extremely knowledgeable, efficiently sent them express delivery (at my cost) and I had them installed the next day. I had a ?high pressure? area as they?d regularly returned to this spot and though I bought a couple of extra boxes, I?ve used them all @ 15cm intervals. They briefly returned the next day but soon left and have not been seen since. Thank you. Great product and great service.
So far so good! This amazing gel seems to have done the trick and kept the pigeons away from our house balconies and parapet. I?m impressed with something that is passive in the sense it doesn?t harm any of the birds at all.
Great product that really works and the pre loaded dishes make it very quick and easy to install.
You do have to clean the site down first to get rid of old bird mess and nesting stuff before installing Bird Free - using the biocide will help, but fixing the dishes in place is a doddle and the birds will be gone in a day or two because birdfree works right away.
And Bird Free Gel is formulated to be incredibly durable. It remains effective, if undisturbed, for at least three years and usually much longer. Trials have demonstrated that even when the gel is covered in accumulated dust and grime it continues to keep birds away.
Where is Bird Free Gel Used?
Bird Free Gel is now relied upon to keep pest birds away from many historic buildings, railway stations, hospitals, shopping centres, shops and many other locations. Follow this link to a page where you can see videos of Bird Free Gel successfully deployed in a wide variety of often challenging situations.
As specialists in the supply of effective bird proofing solutions we regularly publish content on this topic. Here are some of our previous posts that you will find useful.
If you have any questions about bird free gel or if you have any special requirements remember that we are here to help. Give us a call on 01273 475500 and we?ll provide you with free, expert advice.
This message was added on Thursday 1st February 2024
How to Get rid of Pigeons on Balconies Thursday 15th June 2023
Many who live in homes with balconies understand how their valuable outdoor spaces can be blighted by nuisance pigeons perching, roosting, nesting and creating a mess. In this post we highlight a new, convenient and cost-effective Insight Security anti-pigeon solution using our HSE approved bird-free gel.
The value of accessible outdoor space has been highlighted by the recent pandemic and the lockdowns that kept us all in our homes. While those who live in the countryside often have nearby fields and open spaces and suburban residents may have gardens, for apartment dwellers, their balconies provide essential, private outdoor space.
Balcony Benefits
During the pandemic we saw many people using their balconies to hold impromptu concerts, communicate with neighbours and support their local communities. City centre apartment buildings are often situated in densely populated areas where outdoor space is limited so a balcony usefully provides extra space and access to fresh air and sunshine.
The health and wellbeing benefits associated with spending time outdoors are well known. And when a home doesn?t have a garden, a balcony is the next best thing. The growing appeal of balcony gardens has been recently demonstrated at this year?s (2023) Chelsea Flower Show where the Balcony Gardens category returned for a third year. The variety of impressive Balcony Garden designs offer an abundance of inspiration and ideas for those with limited outdoor space.
Balconies are ideal spaces for enjoying outdoor dining and since they are directly accessible from the home they effectively become outdoor dining rooms. During the warmer months many people like to make the most of their balconies both as entertainment spaces and private areas in which they can unwind while enjoying their supper and watching the sun go down.
Children benefit enormously from having access to outdoor space and a safe, secure balcony can be a great space in which to play games, indulge in some messy art projects and soak up a little sunshine. They are also great spaces to learn about growing potted plants.
Why do Pigeons Like Your Balcony?
If you are reading this then you will probably already know how pigeons love balconies. Pigeons are descended from wild Rock Doves who like to establish their nests in cliff-faces. Tall buildings, balconies, bridges and other structures provide pigeons with an urban alternative.
Pigeons are very intelligent birds with a valuable ability to remember where they have been, what they have seen and recognise areas that are good for nesting and raising their young. One of the primary reasons pigeons can be attracted to balconies is their need for food. If they have ever discovered something to eat on your balcony they are likely to return. They are also always on the lookout for safe and secure areas that provides shelter from the wind and rain. Balconies also offer elevated vantage points from which pigeons can spot dangerous predators.
Pest Pigeon Dangers
Birds, including pigeons, carry a variety of diseases that can affect humans such as Ornithosis, Listeria and E-coli. These can be transmitted both via pigeon droppings and from contact with the birds. And it`s important to be aware that dust from dried pigeon droppings can become airborne and the fine particles can result in respiratory complaints such as psittacosis.
Pigeon nests will also attract a variety of parasites including mites, ticks, fleas and beetles. And accumulated pigeon mess, detritus and possibly dead birds, can result in a very bad smell, as well as looking dreadful.
Pigeon droppings are also well known for their acidic, corrosive properties that can damage metalwork, stonework and brickwork. And accumulated nesting materials can block drains causing rainwater to accumulate, introducing dampness and mould inside the property.
The bottom line is that pest pigeons present significant health and safety risks.
Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981
The primary legislation protecting animals, plants and habitats in the UK is the Wildlife and Countryside Act, 1981. Under this legislation all wild birds, their nests and eggs are protected by law which makes it an offence to intentionally kill, injure or take any wild bird or to damage or destroy their nests, while in use or being built.
There are some important exceptions to this legislation but anyone who has one or more pigeon nests on their balcony must be aware that its against the law to damage or destroy an active nest. The young birds must be allowed to leave the nest before taking any action. If a nest or multiple nests need to be removed for the purposes of public health this must be carried out by someone with an appropriate licence, issued by the UK government, that allows ?authorised persons? to deal with feral pigeons in Britain.
Effective Pigeon Deterrents
By far the most effective way to prevent pigeons from becoming a balcony pest is take steps to deter them as early as possible, before they recognise the balcony as a valuable nesting or roosting site. As noted, food is one of the main reasons pigeons are attracted to balconies which is why its vitally important to always keep balconies clean and clear away all potential food sources.
If you research pest pigeon deterrents for balconies you will see both anti-bird netting and anti bird wire recommendations. While these methods can be effective they tend to be expensive with notable deployment challenges, often requiring specialist installation services. And anti-bird netting around a balcony effectively turns the balcony area into a cage which keeps the birds at bay but creates a less appealing environment for people. Another important aspect, when considering wrapping a balcony in anti bird netting, is if the net barrier is poorly installed or badly maintained birds can become trapped inside.
People with pest pigeons coming to their balconies need a safe, effective, low-cost pigeon deterrent that?s easy to deploy, totally harmless to the birds (and humans) and doesn?t turn their valuable balcony space into an unpleasant cage-like area.
Bird Free Gel
Here at Insight Security we promote the use of Bird Free Fire Gel to deter and prevent unwanted pest birds. We know, from the feedback provided by our customers and extensive field trials conducted to assess the bird deterrent, it works. Here are some of our previous articles and content describing its use.
Bird Free Gel - Introduction Watch the video and find all the facts about how this exceptional bird deterrent works.
Bird Free Gel - Reliable Long Term Anti-Bird Deterrent Read how Bird Free Gel has been subjected to long-term evaluation resulting in formal authorisation and approval from the UK health and safety executive (HSE) who recognise how this remarkable deterrent remains effective for over 4 years.
How to Get Rid of Pigeons In this post we discuss various facts related to feral pigeons and review the variety of pigeon control techniques.
How to Protect Solar Panels from Birds Read how people are using Bird Free Gel to safely protect their rooftop solar panels from the effects of pest birds.
Introducing the Bird Free Fire Gel Balcony Protector Pack
Recognising the needs of those who live in apartments with balconies we have put together a cost-effective Bird Free Fire Gel Balcony Protector Pack solution that makes it quick and easy to deploy this highly effective pigeon deterrent.
Our new Bird Free Gel Balcony Protector Pack is available in two formats, the compact ?Nest Area Mat Pack? is designed for deployment in areas where pigeons may favour nesting, and the larger ?General Purpose Bird Free Mat Pack? is designed for deployment to cover a larger area where less intensive bird perching occurs.
Each of the packs comes complete with an all-weather rubber mat, pre-fitted with metal fixing plates to which the magnetic bird free dishes attach. Also included are a pair of disposable Nitrile gloves, a face dust mask and a spray bottle of biocide, along with clear instructions for dealing with pest pigeon problems.
A ?Nest Area Mat Extension Pack? is also available which includes the Mat and the magnetic type Bird Free dishes, but does not include the Biocide, rubber gloves or dust mask as supplied in the main pack.
All packs provide an instantly effective anti-pigeon solution that doesn?t involve any complex or expensive installation requirements.
The Nesting Area pack and associated extension pack each include a compact rubber mat with 4 x dishes of Bird Free Gel, which magnetically attach to the mat so when attached to the fixed metal plates on the mat, they will always ensure that the dishes are accurately spaced for optimum effectiveness. They can also be easily removed, allowing the mat to be rolled up for storage temporarily or until the next breeding season may require its use once again.
The Bird Free Gel dish locations on these compact rubber mats are spaced at 15cm (centre to centre) which is optimal spacing to effectively deter pigeons from creating their nests. If there is need to prevent nests from being built in multiple locations on a balcony (e.g. either end), then one or more of the lower cost ?Nest Area Mat Extension Pack? can be purchased as the supplied Biocide with the main pack should be adequate for application to 2 or 3 potential nesting areas.
The second pack option is our General Purpose Balcony Protector Pack. This is a 1m x 0.5m rubber mat with 8 x dishes of Bird Free Gel, magnetically attached to the mat with centres spaced at 20cm intervals. This is optimal for areas in which problem pigeons may be congregating or roosting.
As noted, these packs include a reliable biocide spray along with the gloves, facemask and instructions necessary to safely clean the balcony or patio area before deployment. The instructions include important directions such as the need to spray the area to be cleaned with Biocide using a simple spray bottle, to damp down any dry pigeon dropping dust particles before scraping up the bird mess.
This anti-pigeon solution is not only ideal for balconies its also suitable for other outdoor areas as required such as patios or roof terraces. And importantly, when the balcony or outdoor space is in use these small rubber mats can be easily rolled up and moved out of the way. It should be noted that while Birdfree is not harmful to birds, humans or animals, it is recommended that access to the dishes by the family pet dog is prevented, as they could be tempted to scoff the gel!
The Complete Bird Free Balcony Solution
Our Bird Free Fire Gel Balcony Protector packs provide an instantly effective pigeon deterrent that?s super-easy to deploy and readily scalable to deal with those pesky pigeons.
Using these Bird Free Gel deployment methods in combination will ensure your balcony is no longer plagued by pigeons.
If you have any questions about our anti-pigeon solution for balconies and patios remember we are here to help. Give us a call on 01273 475500 and we?ll provide you with free, expert advice.
This message was added on Thursday 15th June 2023
Bird Free Gel - Reliable, Long Term Anti Bird Deterrent Thursday 11th May 2023
Bird Free is the only bird repellent gel fully authorised by the health and safety executive (HSE) for use in the UK. In this post we look at how this exceptional bird repellent achieved HSE approval and the reasons why its becoming increasingly popular.
Is Bird Free Gel Effective?
In order to gain UK health and safety executive approval, one of the primary questions they asked: How effective is Bird Free Gel? Many people ask the same question when considering the various options available today to implement effective bird control. We?ve discussed many of these options in previous blog posts, along with the risks associated with pest birds.
In order to assess the efficacy of Bird Free gel in repelling feral pigeons a 4 year study was carried out on a night roost site located on the rooftops of the Veterinary Clinic of the University of Pisa in Italy. The rooftop areas were popular with roosting pigeons due to the warm air expelled from the building vents on both the south and north sides of the building where heating equipment is housed. This created a comfortable environment that attracted a high number of feral pigeons and resulted in a huge build up of pigeon droppings and feathers.
The test and evaluation of Bird Free gel required the pigeon detritus to be cleaned away and dishes of Bird Free gel deployed in one rooftop area on the south side of the building while empty ?control? dishes were distributed on the north side. Over 100kg of accumulated pigeon faeces was cleaned away from each of the south and north rooftop areas before the areas were disinfected and the test dishes were put in place.
Video cameras were used by researchers to monitor the site, enabling them to record exactly how many pigeons were present on each of the south and north rooftops at specific times of day, as required by the health and safety executive. At sunset, three days prior to the Bird Free installation 48 pigeons were recorded on the south roof and 52 were on the north roof. These figures provided a valuable comparison for ongoing testing and evaluation in which the number of pigeon present in both areas were recorded after the dishes were deployed.
The results were remarkable. Figures show that the north rooftop area, where empty dishes had been distributed, continued to attract roosting pigeons at the same rate as had been recorded before the dishes were put in place. Contrastingly, figures recorded from the south rooftop where dishes filled with Bird Free gel had been deployed show that no pigeons were present on the rooftop, at any time of day, from the very first day they were put in place.
This study continued for over 4 years, recording the numbers of feral pigeons on both the south rooftop area, where Bird Free gel was in place, and the north rooftop area, where empty ?control? dishes had been installed. This exhaustive test demonstrated how Bird Free gel was 100% effective in preventing pigeons from roosting over a 4 year period at this site.
Another key question asked by the UK health and safety executive along with many who are looking for effective bird control is: How long does the Bird Free gel last? The testing carried out in Italy, as required by the HSE, clearly demonstrates how Bird Free remains effective for over 4 years. Further case studies, from various locations around world, show how Bird Free gel remains effective for over 5 years without need for replacement. Feedback from some of these locations includes the following reports:
Bird Free remains effective for over 5 years.
Bird Free was installed nearly 5 years ago now and the pigeons have still not returned.
The installation of Bird Free remains effective today.
Since Bird Free was installed the pigeons have never returned.
An important attribute of Bird Free gel that?s worth noting is how it stands up to pollution. Dishes of Bird Free gel, installed at Kings Cross Station in London, were all seriously blackened by accumulated dirt over a seven and a half year period since they were first put in place. But this build-up of crud didn?t adversely affect the efficacy of the bird repellent. This is due to how UV light is only obscured by solid objects and isn?t blocked by particulates. So the Bird Free gel has remained effective over many years in a very dirty environment.
Bird Free Gel is More Effective than Alternative Bird Deterrents
As noted, we have previously discussed the variety of bird deterrents available today including anti bird spikes, netting and more. Quiron Dexeus Hospital in Barcelona had been suffering from a severe pigeon infestation where the birds were nesting inside the skylight wells above the main hospital concourse. Anti pigeon spikes had previously been installed in these areas but pigeons had simply established their nests on top of the spikes.
In May 2018 16 pigeon nests were removed, along with all of the ineffective anti pigeon spikes. Dishes of Bird Free gel were installed in all of the problem areas and the professionals responsible for this work were asked, in 2021, if the Bird Free installation had been effective. Their managing director, Jean Louis Labadie, stated:
After removing the spikes, cleaning the surfaces and treating them with Bird Free we could see, during the first day or two, that whenever pigeons attempted to land they were deterred by the Bird Free and flew away immediately. The installation was carried out in 2018, since then Bird Free has been completely effective and no nesting or landing has been reported by the client.
Time Spent on Pest Control is Reduced using Bird Free
The costs involved in controlling pest birds includes the need for labour, equipment and site access. The use of Bird Free keeps these costs to a minimum, as demonstrated in a car park installation where it was necessary to clear all of the pigeon mess and detritus and disinfect affected areas before installing Bird Free dishes. This onerous task was completed in a single day by just two professionals, keeping labour costs to a minimum.
Bird Free dishes were attached to the cleaned and disinfected pipework at 20cm intervals, where pigeons had previously been roosting and pooping onto the parked vehicles beneath. Light fittings were also cleaned, disinfected and more Bird Free dishes were put in place, 25cm apart. Pigeons had been nesting in cable trays so the old nests were removed, the cables were cleaned and disinfected and dishes of Bird Free were installed.
Two pest control professional operatives completed this onerous task within an 8 hour working day during which they successfully installed 780 dishes of Bird Free, after thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting all areas. Car park users are no longer returning to find their vehicles covered in pigeon droppings.
Unlike Anti Bird Spikes - Bird Free is Invisible
Signage, such as shop signs, hotel signs or passenger information boards at train stations, all look appalling when covered in bird droppings. As the old saying goes - you only get one chance to make a first impression - so many organisations sensibly take great care of their signage. Traditional anti-bird spikes are both unsightly and often ineffective. Bird Free is a far more effective, discrete deterrent that keeps signage clean.
Since Bird Free dishes are only 8mm high, when attached to the tops of signs where birds congregate, roost and poop, they can?t be seen from the ground. Many highly prestigious businesses now protect their signage and branding from bird fouling using discretely mounted dishes of Bird Free gel. The low profile dishes can?t be seen from ground level but are highly visible to birds if they attempt to land on the signs.
How Bird Free Works
Bird Free is a cleverly formulated gel that targets three bird senses: sight, smell and touch. Stimulating these bird senses prompts birds to keep away.
The proprietary Bird Free gel formulation includes pyranine which is the colouring agent used in highlighter pens. This makes the gel glow with ultraviolet light, which can?t be seen by humans, but can be seen by birds who perceive the gel as shimmering UV light, much like a fire. This is why the material is also known as Fire Gel and is the key reason why Bird Free has an immediate effect in deterring birds from landing where the gel is present.
The Bird Free formulation also includes peppermint oil which is known to be an effective bird deterrent. This aspect of the formulation targets the bird?s sense of smell, prompting a strong aversion response.
The visual effect of Bird Free gel in combination with the smell work together, warning birds to stay away. But birds will sometimes attempt to return to sites where they have previously nested so this is where the unpleasant ?touch? aspect of of the Bird Free formulation is effective. Deploying Bird Free around nesting sites means that if birds persist in their nesting attempts they are likely to get the highly viscous, but totally harmless gel on their feathers. And birds hate to get sticky substances on their feathers so if this happens they will not return.
While Bird Free gel is clearly a benefit to pest control businesses and establishments where birds are a problem its also exactly what?s needed in domestic applications. If you have a balcony or outdoor area that?s being polluted by bird droppings, deploying some pre-loaded dishes of Bird Free gel in the areas where birds like to perch or roost will keep them away.
We now offer Bird Free Fire Gel in packs of pre-loaded dishes that are quick and easy to install. These are typically fixed in place using silicone adhesive or alternatively using our convenient pipe and railing fixing pack or our pre-loaded magnetic dishes of Bird Free gel that can be easily attached to any ferrous metal surface.
When deploying Bird Free it`s important to take care when cleaning areas prior to installation. It is recommended that Biocide is applied to damp down bird droppings before removal and then applied again before dishes of Bird Free gel are put in place.
Here?s what some of our Bird Free customers have told us about their experiences with this exceptional bird repellent.
So far so good! This amazing gel seems to have done the trick and kept the pigeons away from our house balconies and parapet. I?m impressed with something that is passive in the sense it doesn?t harm any of the birds at all.
You do have to clean the site down first to get rid of old bird mess and nesting stuff before installing Bird Free - using the biocide will help, but fixing the dishes in place is a doddle and the birds will be gone in a day or to because birdfree works right away.
The product is fantastic - no more recordings interrupted by birds on our satellite dish,
I have used the fire gel in a previous zoo in the penguin pool area where gulls were a problem and the gel really helped. With bird flu appearing again although we have feeders that the pigeons cant access easily they do hang around the animal shelters waiting for the chickens, ducks and turkeys to spill food. We introduced the fire gel pots onto the roofs of the animal shelters to help disperse them before we are legally required to net over poultry housing. This has worked really well so far and as we are a small area having the pre loaded pack in tubs of 15 is perfect for our requirements.
Hallelujah! I inherited a seagull nest when I bought my house a couple of years ago (it?s opposite a flat roof building hosting a colony) and of course they returned last year. I was advised netting or spikes weren?t options and fortunately found Bird Free Fire Gel online. I spoke to Elke who besides being extremely knowledgeable, efficiently sent them express delivery (at my cost) and I had them installed the next day. I had a ?high pressure? area as they?d regularly returned to this spot and though I bought a couple of extra boxes, I?ve used them all @ 15cm intervals. They briefly returned the next day but soon left and have not been seen since. Thank you. Great product and great service.
After finding that the starlings were trying to make my attic their home, I did a bit of Googling and came across these Really quick delivery, and I have now stuck them to my roof by the area they were interested in. Straight away it stopped the birds, they all stay away from there now, really glad to find a easy and humane way of keeping them away.
If you have any questions about bird proofing or if you have any special requirements remember that we are here to help. Give us a call on 01273 475500 and we?ll provide you with free, expert advice.
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